About Me


MA Linguistics, Seoul National Univiersity 2020
- Focus on computational linguistics and phonetics.
BA (Honours) Linguistics, Simon Fraser University 2017
- Focus on phonetics and neurolinguistics.

Small Projects

These projects were mostly done during my masters program at Seoul National University

UASpeech ASR kaldi baseline

This is a baseline kaldi script for a GMM-HMM based acoustic model using the UA-Speech database which is a database for dysarthric speech research. I have also included some options for data augmentation. (note that my DNN-based model using pytorch-kaldi is based on alignments from this model)


  • Hernandez, A.; Pérez, P.A, Nöth, E., Orozco, J.R.; Maier, A.; Yang, S.H. (2022) Cross-lingual Self-Supervised Speech Representations for Improved Dysarthric Speech Recognition. To appear in Proc. Interspeech 2022. PDF LINK
  • Hernandez, A.; Yang S.H. (2021) Multimodal Corpus Analysis of Autoblog 2020: Lecture Videos in Machine Learning. In: Karpov A., Potapova R. (eds) Speech and Computer. SPECOM 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12997. PDF LINK
  • Hernandez, A.; Kim, S.; Chung, M. Prosody-Based Measures for Automatic Severity Assessment of Dysarthric Speech. Applied Sciences 2020, 10, 6999. PDF LINK
  • Hernandez, A., Yeo, E.J., Kim, S., Chung, M. (2020) Dysarthria Detection and Severity Assessment Using Rhythm-Based Metrics. Proc. Interspeech 2020, 2897-2901. PDF LINK
  • Hernandez, A.; Chung, M.H. Dysarthria Classification Using Acoustic Properties of Fricatives. In Proceedings of the Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences (SICSS), Seoul, Korea, 15–16 November 2019; pp. 43–44. PDF LINK
  • Hernandez, A.; Lee, H.Y.; Chung, M.H. Acoustic analysis of fricatives in dysarthric speakers with cerebral palsy. Phonetics and Speech Sciences 2019, 11, 23–29. PDF LINK

  • Sindel, A.; Hernandez, A; Yang, S.H; Christlein, V.; Maier, A. SliTraNet: Automatic Detection of Slide Transitions in Lecture Videos using Convolutional Neural Networks. Proceedings of the OAGM Workshop 2021. Computer Vision and Pattern Analysis Across Domains, 59–64. PDF LINK